
last updated 16/04/2024


All information on this website has been prepared by Venté Property Pty Ltd and is intended for general information purposes only. It does not constitute advice (any person accessing this information should obtain their own independent professional advice). Some information on this website has been obtained by third parties and has not been independently verified by Venté Property Pty Ltd. Any projections or analyses represent best estimates only and may be based on assumptions, which, while reasonable, may not be correct. Except where otherwise provided, all references to rent, income or price are GST exclusive. Users should not rely on any information contained on this website and must make their own enquiries to verify and satisfy themselves of all aspects of such information. While such information has been prepared in good faith and with due care, no representations or warranties are made (express or implied) as to the accuracy, currency, completeness, suitability or otherwise of such information. Venté Property Pty Ltd and its associates do not warrant (expressly or impliedly) that information contained on this website is complete, true and correct and not misleading or not likely to be misleading or deceptive. Venté Property Pty Ltd and its associates are not responsible and will not under any circumstances be liable (whether at law, in equity, under statute or otherwise) for any statement made or anything contained in or arising out of the information including, without limitation, any errors, misrepresentation or omissions. Venté Property Pty Ltd disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage caused by reliance by any person on this website or any representation, warranty or statement made by or on behalf of Venté Property Pty Ltd and its associates.

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